The hourglass, treadmill and the bonsai…

Sep 3, 2021

No, I will not start this post with … so, an hourglass, treadmill and bonsai walk into a bar, I promise. Jokes aside, this morning, I went for a walk. As I was walking, I remembered my walks in the city, just as I arrived in Cape Town (14 years ago), to and from the courthouse, post office, advocates chambers and other public offices. Back then, it was about keeping costs low and moving more.

My walks are different now, not just because I am older but because I look up now. I consciously smell flowers and experience my surroundings differently. I have looked at all the beautiful gardens in the neighbourhood and often think that that is so easy. Well, on the point of plants and gardens.

In the last 12 months, I have learnt that easy truly is a relative term. Having a beautiful garden is a lot like having a successful business. It takes time, exercise, a few mistakes and adjustments. In many ways, I think a city girl’s perception of gardening is like that perfect body you see jogging past you. Thinking I want to look like that, but not thinking about the fact that bodies adapt to application and if your application is not intense, the result may be a disappointment to vanity. The point is that you get what you give.

Besides effort, it’s also about patience. I am not a patient person by nature. Quite the opposite. Back to the garden and my recently inherited bonsai collection. What a lesson in patience and tenacity.

You put in the effort of weeding, pruning, shaping, feeding and watering and then wait to see if the result is good or bad. And with experience, at least you can adjust “bad” and divert before “bad” is dead. So often, the small things we do today seem meaningless, but it is not, and nothing worth having is easy.

So, my point is this, life and business are like an hourglass, treadmill and bonsai walking into a bar and being present in each moment of the experience.

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