The First Day of School

Feb 1, 2022

Today was a weird day in many ways. We have been prepped and received a lot of perhaps unsolicited advice. So, on all accounts, it should have been a big day that we were going to embrace. I was bursting with pride that my firstborn was now in a prestigious big school, but some part of me also experienced an immense sense of loss. As I share my experiences, I cannot help but notice similarities. It makes me think of all the emotions we experience when starting a new business and hitting our first milestone.

Today was a weird day in many ways. We have been prepped and received a lot of perhaps unsolicited advice. So, on all accounts, it should have been a big day that we were going to embrace.


Instead, it started as most days do in our house, with a healthy dose of toddler educed chaos. And as is the case in most other days – we got through it. Today luckily, I only started with one temper tantrum, one trip to the time out zone and no TV. Jokes aside, the day was weird for me because I honestly don’t know how to describe my feelings and experience.


I was bursting with pride that my firstborn was now in a prestigious big school, but some part of me also experienced an immense sense of loss. Loss of time – time I will admit I often wished away, and I regret doing so now. I also felt scared (and this is the weird part – I don’t do fear), now my boy will have to fend for himself. And one day (if I get it right) – he will no longer need me. There is a bittersweet sensation in that statement.


With that, I realized that my work to help and guide him really starts now and will undoubtedly be filled with tears, heartache, lots of painful growth and victory. But, ultimately, this part I am not going to wish away; instead, I will embrace every part of it – weird or not.


As I share my experiences, I cannot help but notice similarities. It makes me think of all the emotions we experience when starting a new business and hitting our first milestone. However, I think the experience is somewhat different towards its maturation. We often find ourselves frustrated at dealing with problems from the start, e.g. staff issues and things that don’t work when they really should be. We can often wish the time away or even check out emotionally speaking. Yet, this is the time when your work and how you deal with this truly matters.

So, my dear boy and my often tired – fellow entrepreneur, here is an anonymous prayer for you:


“I wish you the strength to face challenges with confidence …

along with the wisdom to choose your battles carefully… I wish

you adventure on your journey and may you always stop to help

someone along the way… listen to your heart and take risks carefully…


Remember how much you are loved…. I am so proud of you!”

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