If Darwin Were a Bouncy Ball…. He would Bounce Back?

Aug 1, 2023

Today I want to start off not with a silver lining but with a big life lesson in life and in business. The lesson is about resilience and how I think it is the ingredient to a successful life. Resilience is not the absence of difficulties but rather the capacity to face them head-on. It is an attitude, a mindset, and a set of coping mechanisms that allow us to navigate through life's challenges. Resilience involves acknowledging and accepting the reality of difficult situations while maintaining a positive outlook.

It has struck me that many of my posts start in the same way. How strange is that?! Something like …lately, I have been going through some stuff and here is the silver lining or here is what I have learnt.

Today I want to start off not with a silver lining but with a big life lesson in life and in business. The lesson is about resilience and how I think it is the ingredient to a successful life. I also want to say a few things about self-belief.

In a world full of uncertainties and obstacles, resilience is the extraordinary ability to bounce back from adversity, adapt and grow amidst hardships, and emerge stronger than ever. Resilience is not an inherent trait but a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured.

Resilience is not the absence of difficulties but rather the capacity to face them head-on. It is an attitude, a mindset, and a set of coping mechanisms that allow us to navigate through life’s challenges. Resilience involves acknowledging and accepting the reality of difficult situations while maintaining a positive outlook.

This means you have to embrace change and be adaptable. Also, cultivate a Growth Mindset. Embrace the notion that change brings new opportunities and growth. Instead of resisting change, learn to flow with it, adjusting your sails when necessary. Embrace challenges as stepping stones to success, knowing that failures are merely temporary setbacks on the path to achievement.

Resilience requires taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Make self-care a priority in your life. Resilience flourishes when we have clear goals and a sense of purpose. Set realistic, achievable goals that align with your values and aspirations. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps to maintain motivation and track progress. Celebrate even the smallest victories along the way, as they reinforce your resilience and provide momentum to keep moving forward.

This brings me to self-belief. Positive self-belief is the unwavering faith in one’s abilities, worth, and potential for success. Deep-rooted confidence fuels resilience and empowers individuals to navigate challenges with determination and optimism.

Is it not so that we all strive to have purposeful lives, that we want to be happy and want the same or better for our children? This month I have thought about all of this a lot for a number of reasons, well because we learnt that our son is neurodiverse. When you get news like that, you need to make sure you are making good choices in relation to the action plan. I have learnt as I became obsessed and researched the condition, the treatment options and the outcomes that the ability to cultivate self-belief and resilience is key to anyone having a successful and happy life.

As entrepreneurs, think about decreasing our stress and increasing our learning. How if we see setbacks and failures as lessons, we will share more openly. And if we believe how we will get back up every time.

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